The city has started to experience a nip in the air, particularly morning and nights. However, experts say winter will set in after 10 days.With this being an year of La Nina, also referred to as the cold phase, more cold days are likely this winter season.
Mahesh Palavat, chief meteorologist at Skymet weather, said, “No significant snowfall has been recorded in the Himalayan region this year. Cold and severe cold will start in Gujarat once there is a significant snowfall. At present, northeasterly and northerly winds, which are dry in nature, are prevailing across Gujarat.”
Director of the India Meteorological Department (IMD), Ahmedabad, Jayanta Sarkar, said, “There is a dip in temperature by one to two degree Celsius. City will experience chill after November 15.”
Ahmedabad starts to witness temperature below 10 degree in December. Low temperature may affect the air quality. Priya Dutta, senior research associate at Indian Institute of Public Health (IIPH), Gandhinagar, said, “Cold air traps pollutant, which is known as inversion. At present, some parts of the city are witnessing poor air quality. The severe the winter with low temperature, the poorer the quality of air would be and the more widespread the phenomenon.”
As per the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) website, on Sunday, Air Quality Index (AQI) of Ahmedabad was 163 as against the normal of 100. It also stated the air in Ahmedabad was unhealthy.
- Ahmedabad starts to witness temperature below 10 degree in December. Low temperature may affect the air quality.
- As per the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) website, on Sunday, Air Quality Index (AQI) of Ahmedabad was 163 as against the normal of 100. It also stated the city air asunhealthy
- With this being an year of La Nina, also referred to as the cold phase, more cold days are likely this winter season. However, the cold is due to set in after 10 days.
Categories: Haze